Pro-Life Waco Newsletters for 2023
By email. One to three time each month.
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[email protected] with the word subscribein the subject line. October 11 1. Overpass outreach this Thursday 2. CVS pharmacy faces protest. Will shut down on October 25. 3. November outreach at TARGET Waco—every week. All Target pharmacies are CVS. 4. PLW has a new Christmas yard sign. $10 each. 5. PLW to join SFLA in Fort Worth door knocking to education on dreadful abortion pill. September 20 1. Public square outreach at PP Sept 23: It's a Baby Waco! 2. Lila Rose interview of John Pisciotta for “Exclusives” series. Interview is 40 minutes 3. CVS in face of with PLW decides to close its door on October 26. 4. Great success for Rev. Childress tour of Central Texas. September 8 John Pisciotta interviewed on Lila Rose podcast. Rev Clenard Childress to speak at Second Sunday Luncheon. Next Pastor Childress Texas speaking tour. September 2 From NJ, Rev. Clenard Childress on tap for September Second Sunday Luncheon—and also other presentations in Central Texas. Prayer March coming at County Courthouse. Thumbs up for Pedestrian Overpass Outreach. August 25 It’s A Baby Waco coming up at PP Waco on Aug 26. Overpass outreach on Aug. 31. From NJ., Pastor Clenard Childress will speak for Pro-Life Waco and then a mini-tour of Central Texas. August 9 July 20 July 12 June 22 June 8 May 25 May 14 May 9, 2023 May 3, 2023 April 20, 2023 April 6, 2023 March 28, 2023 March 21, 2023 March 7, 2022 February 23, 2023 February 7, 2023 January 30, 2023 January 16, 2023 Date