Year in Review summaries of the outreach and ministry of Pro-Life Waco
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Top 10 Events of the Year
2023 Pro-Life Waco Year in Review 2021
The year began with a “first in Texas” Roe Day newspaper ad with hundreds of household signatures. Near the end of the year another “first in Texas” was a full-page ad in October 17 created by pastors in Greater Waco. In between were thousands of hours of dedicated life defender outreach. Doug (Abby) Johnson was a speaker at Second Sunday. Crawford became a Sanctuary City. Engagement with international media. Rise UP in Waco outreach at PP. Rev. Clenard Childress was keynote for National Day of Remembrance. Billboards and yard signs everywhere. Counter-protest to pro-abortion rally. And a whole lot more. Pro-Life Waco Year in Review 2020--First 3 Quarters
2020 began with expectation of orderly expansion of our "public square engagement." That changed quickly in with Covid. We pivoted strongly to creative use of Carolyn the billboard truck, billboards of all sizes, and yard signs. By September, PLW shifted back toward normal with a rally for National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, Second Sunday Luncheon Gathering, Sidewalk Counseling, etc. Pro-Life Waco Year in Review 2019 We focus on "public square engagement." Highlights: billboards everywhere, 96 pastors sign on to WacoTrib ad supporting 40 Days for Life, Life Chain, pedestrian overpass outreach, Unplanned shown at 50 churches, and more. PLW Year in Review 2018 Read about so much that happen in Waco during the first full year of abortion of the precious pre-born babies at 700 W HWY 6 -- the new Waco branch of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. PLW Year in Review 2017 2017 was a difficult and challenging year. In January, we learned that Planned Parenthood obtained a Texas license to resume abortions in Waco. Regrettably, in May abortions did resume. To compound the devastation, we found out in November that Planned Parenthood had occupied a newly constructed facility at 700 W Highway 6. In December, not long before Christmas, the shedding of innocent blood began at this location. We challenged the Culture of Death in many and dynamic ways. Find out all about it in our Year in Review. PLW Year in Review 2016 Recurring from the past--monthly Life Chain, monthly overpass outreach, HOT Fair pro-life booth, billboards and billboard truck. New for 2016: Protest Bank of America at Charlotte headquarters, Baby Body Parts public seminars, protests at Planned Parenthood events, and more. PLW Year in Review 2015 Interstate 35 overpass outreach: Dawn to Dusk. Protest Bank of America. Battle of Target. Battle of Walmart. Chastity seminar. Fair booth. Billboards, billboard trucks, and yard signs. Sidewalk counseling. Letter to the editor. HTPLA Facebook group. And more. PLW Year in Review 2014 CookieCott 2014. Great speakers at Second Sunday. PLW t-shirt. Vote Pro-Life campaign. Hometown Pro-Life Action group created on Facebook. PLW Year in Review 2013 Two huge victories: PP Waco abortuary closes & PP's Nobody's Fool sex-ed aborted. PLW Year in Review 2012 PP Waco closes Columbus Ave. facility. PP's Nobody's Fool sex-ed program on life support. Pro-lifers swamp PP tour stop in Waco. Christian "Thrive" sex-virtue program launched. PLW Year in Review 2011 Protest outreach for Austin PP fundraising banquet. Chastity theme for billboard. Hope House opens next door to PP abortuary. Great pro-life booth at HOT Fair. PLW Year in Review 2010 Continued outreach at PP abortuary. PLW finally has an office. Challenge to Komen Race for the Cure. PLW targets Central National bank for PP support. Many billboards. PLW Year in Review 2009 PLW gets a billboard truck. HOT Fair booth doubles in size. A pro-life Super Bowl party. 30-9 victory on Waco Tribune-Herald editorial page. PLW Year in Review 2008 PLW's Komen billboard stirs controversy. Pisciotta presentation on Planned Promiscuity. Vote Pro-Life campaign. PLW Year in Review 2007 PLW joins 1st national 40 Days for Life campaign. Ink gun attack on Waco monthly Life Chain. Dr. Alveda King delivers four presentations in two days. Supplementary Files Pastor List |