Planned Promiscuity Exposé
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Local Affiliates Other Resources Let's start at the international level where Planned Parenthood is most unrestrained in promoting sexual debauchery. Sexual Rights: An IPPF Declaration (here) reveals what Planned Parenthood is up to. IPPF tells us that children have “a human right” to sexual conduct in any manner they choose. Parents, communities, churches, and governments must not restrict the right to sexual promiscuity. Government should, however, pay the bills to support sexual promiscuity and fund resulting STD treatments and “abortion care.” A theme found on the covers of IPPF publications is “From choice, a world of possibilities.” What a nice-sounding deception! In 2010, (IPPF) released Stand and Deliver: Sex, Health and Young People in the 21st Century (here). This sexual manifesto elaborates on the dangerous and amoral vision of Sexual Rights. 2010 also brought the release of IPPF’s Health, Happy and HOT (HHH) (here). HHH is devoted to sexual expression and rights of youths who are HIV positive (from following Planned Parenthood’s ideal of a promiscuous life style). According to IPPF, one of the rights is to have sex with multiple partners without disclosing HIV status. Here is an editorial I wrote about HHH. The two most recent offerings from IPPF are Exclaim: Young Peoples Guide to Sexual Rights (here) and I Decide: Young Women's Journeys to Seek Abortion Care (here). Exclaim is a guidebook on how youths can promote unfettered sex in their societies and in the halls of government. I Decide presents the stories of women who supposedly improved their lives by their decisions to have an abortion. The book is reminiscent of Planned Parenthood Federation of America's 2004 marketing of a t-shirt embroidered with the message “I Had an Abortion.”
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