Who We Are
Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.
What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences at the grassroots level within the Waco-McLennan County area. Our people need a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life; new, because it will be able to confront and solve today’s unprecedented problems affecting human life; new, because it will be adopted with deeper and more dynamic conviction by all Christians; new, because it will be capable of bringing about a serious and courageous cultural dialogue among all people in God’s kingdom of heaven on earth. We have been serving the Waco-McLennan County community for over two decades. How can we get our pro-life viewpoints out at no costs to thousands of our allies as well as to those who have not yet accepted the truth of the Gospel of Life? We believe that, as Christians, we must follow God's biblical call to uphold the sanctity of EVERY human life from conception to natural death. We publish pro-life resources, articles, brochures and video training products to educate individuals and groups who feel called to life-affirming ministry, education and activism. Pro-Life Waco is a non-profit and we appreciate your donations to our organization. Pro-Life Waco is all-volunteer. The full amount of your donations go to ministry. Community participation is growing at a steady pace. With this growth, we have been able to accomplish more, and have a larger impact upon our community. We welcome you with open arms. Please inquire today about how you can become a cherished part of our faith based family. See below for some files relating too PLW's recent public square outreach. What is Public Square Outreach draft. PDF here
National Life Chain Sunday, October 6, 2024 PDF here
RembranceDay2024PDF here
RembranceDay2024JPEG here
Chemical Abortion Flyer August 2024 update. PDF here
Protest Victories: Pro-Life Waco in the Public Square. Top 5 Spanning 4 decades PDF here
AFR radio Pharmacy Outreach. 5 14 25 File here
Abilene radio ad. May 14. File here
Pharmacyoffer2024April90for additional set. PDF here
Chemical Abortion flier. Nov 26 2023. PDF here.
2024 State votes on abortion, WSJ. PDF here.
Elections Lay Bare GOP's Abortion Liability.. Wall Street Journal, Nov 9, 2023. PDF here.
John Pisciotta news interview carried nationally on American Family radio on June 5, 2023. The topic was was PLW's 2004 boycott of Girl Scout Cookie sales as an example of challenging to the powerful enablers of abortion and Planned Parenthood. An "action packed 90 seconds. Listen here.
Media Voter Theory. UFL conference. PDF here.
Photo #1 JPEG here.
Photo #2. JPEG here.
Promiscuity. JPEG here.
Event aborted. JPEG here.
Event flippsexedjpeg.jpger. JPEG here.
PP SexEd on and off, May 2023 PDF here.
Action Agenda for Pro-Life Waco. April and May of 2023 PDF here
Lila Rose "Chemical Abortion, CVS and Walgreens" PDF here
German Public Radio interview of PLW's John Pisciotta, March 16, 2023. Amarillo Abortion Court Case. PDF here
Documents related to Waco March and Rally for Life, June 24 2023. PDF here
Event flier. Audrey Werner is speaker for March 12, 2023, Second Sunday Luncheon for Pro-Life Waco. Her topic is "You Can Raise Pure Kids in Today's Culture." PDF here
Pro-life Victory at Historic Waco City Council meeting.
The demise of the GRACE Act in Waco By John Pisciotta, Founding Director of Pro-Life Waco PDF here Bullet points on the Waco City Council Abortion Battle of August 2, 2022.
John Pisciotta Director of Pro-Life Waco. PDF here "City divided over Grace Act" (A long editorial supporting abortion and write by, Blake Burleson, a Baylor Religion Professor and Ordained Baptist Minister.) Waco Tribune-Herald, September 7, 2022. PDF here
"Mayor questions city's role on abortion". Waco Tribune Herald, August 5, 2022. Page 1, headline story on the City of Waco backing away from the so-called Grace Act after hundreds of pro-lifers showed up at the Aug 2 meeting of the Waco City Council. PDF here
"Abortion, Waco City Council Meeting, I Was There." Donna Garner. Donna is an independent journalist/commentator from Waco, Texas. She was a member of the leadership team that organized to smash the "GRACE Act" at the Waco City Council meeting on August 2. PDF here
The GRACE Act controversy in Waco, Texas: 4 Letters of the Editor of the Waco Tribune Herald. July 2022. PDF here
The Gospel of Life (Summary). Pope John Paul II. 1995. PDF here
UPDATED VERSION Pro-Life Waco rally for on June 24!! Page 1 headline news story. "Local abortion foes elated by Roe's end" Waco Tribune Herald, June 25, 2022. PDF here
Pro-Life Waco rally for on June 24!! Page 1 headline news story. "Local abortion foes elated by Roe's end" Waco Tribune Herald, June 25, 2022. PDF here
"Bans Won't Bring an End to Abortion." Waco Tribune-Herald, June 5, 2022. Front page news story. The story features the "CEOs" of Care Net Central Texas and Pro-Life Waco. Deborah McGregor and John Pisciotta. PDF here.
Current Action Agenda for June. PDF here.
"Stephanie Lee: Finding her own way." Waco Tribune-Herald, November 22, 2009. Baylor student, blind from birth. PDF here.
Flier for Roe Decision Day Rally in Waco at Planned Parenthood. 4 PM on the day the Roe court decision comes down. This will be in May or June of 2022. PDF here.
20-minute debate on Heartbeat Law on Russian television network (RTVI) February 7, 2022. John Pisciotta (Pro-Life Waco ) versus Marina Sokolovskaya (senior editor of “Vinograd for U. S.). PDF here.
April 10, 2022. Second Sunday Luncheon Gathering. Featuring Myra Angelica Rodriquez speaking about her conversion from Arizona abortion center manager to pro-life missionary. PDF here
Tax dollars flowing to pregnancy centers. An awful, biased "news" article from Associated Press that appeared on the front page of the Waco Tribune-Herald on February 6, 2022. PDF here.
Christian radio 60-second ad for January 9 "Mind Polluters" event. second_sunday_01_22.mp3
Flyer for "The Mind Polluters" Luncheon event on Jan 9 in Waco PDF here.
Video trailer for "The Mind Polluters" Luncheon event on Jan 9 in Waco. https://vimeo.com/626409831
"Stop the sniping", Letter to the Editor of Waco Tribune Herald. November 28, 2021, by John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco. Pisciotta's letter was in response to an accusation of criminal behavior by pro-lifers at Planned Parenthood Nobody's Fool events in a prior letter written by a local abortion supporter. PDF here.
Letter to the Editor battle in the Waco newspaper over Nobody's Fool. Oct/Nov 2021. Four letters. PDF here.
Five free yard signs available from Pro-Life Waco. PDF here.
2021 was a very active years for Pro-Life Waco on the Opinion Page of the Waco Tribune-Herald. The Trib printed several full editorials critical of the pro-life movement. Pro-Life Waco foot soldiers and allies in the community responded vigorously defending preborn life and the true interests of pregnant moms. Check it out. PDF here.
A United Voice for Life. 80+ pastors create full-page ad proclaiming nine pro-life principles. Waco Tribune-Herald. October 17, 2021. Page A5. PDF here.
God, his written word & abortion. Waco attorney defends abortion as A-OK within Christianity. Waco Tribune-Herald. October 1, 2021. PDF here.
Mobilize and Defend -- Women's March for Abortion in Waco. October 2, 2021. Noon, Heritage Square. PDF here.
Waco "Pastor" claims Christian propaganda brought the Heartbeat Law to Texas. Rev. Leslie King (First Presbyterian Church of Waco). Waco Tribune-Herald. September 9, 2021. PDF here.
Guide for Posting to Hometown Pro-Life Action group on Facebook. PDF here.
City of Crawford bans abortion, 33rd in Texas. Waco Tribune-Herald. August 15, 2021. PDF here.
Program flyer for National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Waco, Texas, September 18, 2021. PDF here.
Pro-Life Mobilization in Waco, Texas. German Public Radio. 14-minute documentary aired on August 18, 2021. Waco foot soldiers interviewed including John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco. PDF here.
Catholic Bishop of Lubbock message ordering deacons and parishes to remain on the sideline in the Lubbock, Texas successful battle to adopt a Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance. A copy of the letter was sent in October and acquired by John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco. PDF here.
Baylor philosophy professor supports abortion choice. Waco Tribune-
Herald. May 9, 2021. Long editorial. PDF here. Pro-Life Ember in Democratic Party. John Pisciotta letter. Waco Tribune-Herald Dec 17, 2020. PDF here.
Program for Second Sunday Ecumenical Pro-Life Gathering. October 11, 2020 in Waco. PDF here.
Pro-life letters to Editor of Waco Trib newspaper Tom Harrison writes on the humanity of babies in the womb: Christian and scientific perspectives. John Pisciotta writes on the pro-abortion core of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
PDF here. Pro-Life Waco Action Agenda, October and November of 2020 JPEG here
"Summer Signs for Life." Get free yard sign delivered to your home. Learn more. And view your 4 pro-life yard sign options. PDF here.
Leader of racist Planned Parenthood pens editorial on how to end racism. Only in the Waco Tribune-Herald, June 14, 2020. PDF here.
Full-page newspaper ad affirming 40 Days for Life Waco. 104 pastors "sign" on. Waco Tribune-Herald. March 14, 2020. PDF here.
St. Mark Lutheran Church 40 Days for Life yard signs. Here.
Current Action Agenda. Pro-Life Waco. March/April 2020. PDF here.
Carolyn #II billboard truck from Pro-Life Waco. Beautiful & powerful messages. PDF here.
2019 Year in Review for Pro-Life Waco through October. PDF here.
Pro-life/pro-abortion letter battle in Waco Tribune-Herald: November 22 and December 3. John Pisciotta's letter contrasts the positive side of Waco with the dreadful reality of Planned Parenthood abortions. Cheryl Foster attempts to undercut Pisciotta and claims abortion pill reversal is a hoax. PDF of both letters here.
Letter to the editor of Waco Tribune-Herald by John Pisciotta. The letter contrasts the positive and joyful side of Waco with the dark and violent side --abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood. The letter was printed Nov 22, 2019. JPEG heretrib_waco_pride___shame.jpg.
Central Texas Pro-Life Alliance. "Full-page ad for showing of the Unplanned movie in over 40 churches on the weekend of October 25/26/27." Waco Tribune-Herald. October 20, 2019. The alliance that lead this effort included the McLennan County Republican Club, the McLennan County Women's Club, CareNet Pregnancy Center of Central Texas, Pro-Life Waco, 40 Days for Life Waco, and Church of the Open Door. PDF here.
Kathy Miller, liberal activist Texan. "Abstinence-only sex education is a flop. Lets try moral relativism." Op ed. in Waco Tribune-Herald. September 22, 2019. PDF here.
Invitation to Pastor's Breakfast at Baylor Club with Dr. Rev. Tony Evans speaking. Breakfast event for Central Texas pastors is September 12, 2019. PDF here.
John Pisciotta, Pro-Life Waco Directer "Their true colors." Letter to the editor in Waco Tribune-Herald. July 19, 2019. PDF here. Theme is that the firing of PPFA President Leana Wen confirms that PP's overwhelming top priority is ABORTION, not women's health.
Leslie King (Pastor of First Presbyterian Church Waco and member of Planned Parenthood Waco Community Board). "Pressing social question: What greets emerging lives?" Editorial in Waco Tribune-Herald. May 26, 2019. PDF here. A pastor defending the choice of a mom to abort her pre-born baby.
LaRaine Dupuy (PPGT board member). "Playing politics with Texans' health care." Editorial in Waco Tribune Herald. May 18, 2019. PDF here. Blasts Texas Planned Parenthood defunding law.
Ashley Thornton. "Feeling alone beneath I-35 pedestrian bridge." Editorial in Waco Tribune-Herald. May 7, 2019. PDF here. Criticized PLW overpass outreach.
Illiana Neuman (Faculty Physician at Waco Family Health Center). "Legislators taking a toll on Waco women." Editorial in the Waco Tribune-Herald. May 3, 2019. PDF here. She blasts Texas anti-abortion laws.
Jimmy Dorrell editorial blasting "right to life" in the Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper. Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019. PDF here.
40 Days for Life full-page ad printed in Waco Tribune-Herald (March 31), featuring 93 lead pastors and congregations affirming the goals of Waco and worldwide 40 Days for Life. PDF here. JPEG here.
Color flyer for "Unplanned" movie opening in Waco on March 29. Here is the PDF file.
PLW outreach calendar for March and April of 2019. Here is the PDF file.
Letter to the editor of Waco Tribune-Herald by John Pisciotta. The letter responds to the discriminatory rating of the movie Unplanned (the Abby Johnson story). The letter was printed Feb 27, 2019. Here is the PDF file.
40 Day for Life Waco: flyer/form for signing up as a prayer volunteer. Starts March 6, 2019. Here is the PDF one-page file.
40_days_sign_up_2019_front_side.pdf Chapter on Waco in the book, Beginning of the End to Abortion. By 40 Days for Life president Shawn Carney. Here is the PDF file.
John Pisciotta presents "Challenging the Business Enablers of Planned Parenthood." Students for Life of America regional workshop. University of Dallas. October 20, 2018. Here is the PDF file.
Flyer for Cecile Richard protest. Saturday, September 29, 2018 Austin Hyatt Regency. Annual Planned Parenthood Austin fundraising banquet. Here is the PDF file.
Funding Proposal Worries Care Providers. Waco Tribune-Herald. July 22, 2018. This article is what is commonly referred to as "fake news". Here is the PDF file.
Abortion Opponents Gather (for 25th anniversary of Roe v Wade. Waco Tribune-Herald . January 22, 1998. Here is the PDF file.
Pro-Life Waco featured in page 1, headline story in Waco Tribune-Herald on transition in U. S. Supreme Court. July 8 2018. Here is the PDF file.
Battle of (3) Letters to the Editor on Planned Parenthood. Waco Tribune-Herald. May of 2018. PLW's John Pisciotta versus PP supporter Susie Farley. Here is the PDF file.
Pro-Life Waco billboard on HWY 6 countering Planned Parenthood. Here is a close view. Here is a farther view.
Prayer Volunteer sign-up cards for Spring 2018 40 Days for Life in Waco. These print out 4 to page. Fill out a card your self. Then get a dozens of your friends and neighbors signed up to pray at 40 Days for Life in Waco February 15 through March 24. Return your card(s) to Pro-Life Waco, PO Box 7771, Waco, TX 76714 Here is the PDF file.
Hometown Pro-Life Action group on Facebook has refocused for 2018 on its original mission of serving as a catalyst for local action worldwide. Here are the new guidelines for posting to serve this mission. Here is the PDF file.
Texas list of abortion facility licensed in force on Nov. 10, 2017. No license for new abortion facility in Waco at 700 W HWY 6. Here is the PDF file.
Photo collage. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Waco branch closes Ross Avenue facility and opens center at 700 W HWY 6, which was constructed in secrecy. Nov 20 was an historic day for the abortion battle in Waco, TX. Here is the PDF file.
Pro-Life Waco: Key Graphics40 Days for Life Waco Spring 2018 Snapshot Overview
2017 40 Days for Life Waco photo collage
Care Net Life-Saving Sonogram Bus
Pro-Life Waco's billboard truck named Carolyn
Planned Parenthood's new abortion facility in Waco
40 Days for Life 2018 worldwide campaign maps
T-shirts in Spanish and English for 40 Days for Life Waco in 2018
Concealment. Building permit for 700 HWY 6 hiding ownership of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas and involvement of local contractors. Here is the PDF file.
Planned Parenthood will open new abortion facility in Waco. Waco Tribune-Herald. Nov. 16, 2017. Here is the PDF file.
Powerful letter to the editor promoting 40 Days for Life Waco. By John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco. Printed in the Waco Tribune-Herald, Oct 17, 2017. Here is the PDF file.
Waco Tribune-Herald ad: 64 Waco-area pastors affirm the goals and spirit of 40 Days for Life Waco. Thank you pastors! Here is the PDF file.
40 Days for Life news article in Waco Tribune-Herald, Sept 28, 2017. "Pro-Life Waco joins international prayer vigil." Front page story. Here is the PDF file.
North American map of the largest 40 Days for Life campaign in history. With Waco, Texas on board, this is the largest campaign ever. 375 cities! 25 countries! Here is the PDF file.
Letter of opposition to Waco Chamber of Commerce over Planned Parenthood Waco promotional ad in Waco Chamber and Business Quarterly (Summer 2017). Here is PDF file.
Add friends to your favorite pro-life Facebook group: How to do it with cell phone or computer. Here is PDF file.
June 10 Rally: Stand Up for Women and Babies. Here is PDF file.
Program for June 10 Rally. Here is PDF file.
Waco Trib Editorial Supporting Abortion in Waco. Here is a PDF file.
Sue Thayer is lead speaker for rally on June 10 in Waco
Sue Thayer bio
Airplane flying banner with message to be flown over downtown Waco.
Rally Flyer JPEG
Primary Central Texas Counties for potential abortion clients.