Who are the "Komen 11" Race for the Cure affiliates that make annual grants to Planned Parenthood?
Facing increasing public criticism over grants to Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen national organization, headquartered in Dallas, has publicly admitted that eleven of its local affiliates have Race for the Cure grant relationships with Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is now under fire for possible criminal activity over the use and abuse of babies they abort. Drawing on several leads from Carole Novielle, creator of the Saynsumthn blog, Pro-Life Waco has found all eleven of these affiliates. These affiliates provide about a half millions dollars in annual grants to Planned Parenthood. Race for the Cure is the top fundraiser for a local Komen affiliate. Keep in mind that Komen affiliates have several other fundraising events throughout the year. Information about these can be found on each affiliate’s website.
Here is the Komen statement admitting and attempting to rationalize the 11 grants to the scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood. The “Komen 11” are: Komen Orange County (CA) www.komenoc.org Komen Sacramento Valley www.komensacramento.org Komen Colorado www.komencolorado.org According to "Center for Medical Progress" undercover videos, Colorado grant is to a Planned Parenthood or the Rocky Mountains,which is deeply engaged in harvesting and sale of fetal organs of aborted babies.. Komen Central New Mexico (Albuquerque) www.komencnm.org Apparently, the New Mexico affiliate has been shuttered. Komen Greater New York City www.komennyc.org Komen Austin www.komenaustin.org Komen Central Texas (Waco) www.komencentraltexas.org Komen North Texas (Plano) www.komennorthtexas.org Komen Connecticut www.komenct.org Komen Vermont New Hampshire www.komenvtnh.org Komen Eastern Washington www.komeneasternwashington.org Here are detail about Komen 11 grants, mostly from Komen affiliate websites. Komen Orange County (CA) www.komenoc.org Next Race for the Cure is September 27, 2015 Year of most recent grant. 2015 Total (local) grants awarded. $938,000 Grant to Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. http://www.komenoc.org/atf/cf/%7B3eca07aa-a357-456d-987c-9deaf71ac54e%7D/2015_CG%20KF_GRANTEE%20INFO%20SHEET.FINAL.PDF Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties (P): 714.633.6373 www.pposbc.org Women with breast health concerns are seen at Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. There are multiple clinic sites throughout Orange County to ensure immediate access for women and men. Komen Sacramento Valley www.komensacramento.org Race for the Cure was May 15, 2015 Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded. $18 million since 1997 Grant to Planned Parenthood Mar Monte http://komensacramento.org/grants/applying-for-community-grants/3913-2/ Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Clinical Breast Exams, Diagnostic Services and Treatment for Uninsured Women Under the Age of 40 County Service: Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties Komen Colorado www.komencolorado.org Race for the Cure is September 27, 2015 in Denver. Formed by merger of Komen Aspen and Komen Denver. Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded. $1.7 million Grant to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains http://www.komencolorado.org/grants-program/grant-recipients/ Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Ashley Armstrong: (303) 813-7661 www.pprm.org PPRM Aurora Health Center 1284 S. Abilene Street Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: (303) 671-7526 Komen Central New Mexico (Albuquerque) www.komencnm.org This affiliate has a website, but appears to be dead. Phone # does not work. Showing registration information for 2014 Race for the Cure. Year of most recent grant. 2014-2015 Total (local) grants awarded. n.a. Grant to Planned Parenthood New Mexico http://komencnm.org/grants/current-community-grants/ Planned Parenthood New Mexico -- $25,251 to increase access to breast screenings for underserved populations. PPNM’s patient-centered cancer screening intervention services include breast self-awareness (BSA) education and clinical breast exams (CBEs). During the 2014-2015 grant cycle, PPNM estimates providing a total of 375 CBEs to women in Bernalillo, Santa Fe, and Sandoval Counties. Debbie Hussey[email protected] 719 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108-1434 505-265-5976 x.318 505-266-1017 fax Komen Greater New York City www.komennyc.org Race for the Cure is September 13, 2015 Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded. n.a. Grant to Planned Parenthood Nassau County http://www.komennyc.org/site/PageServer?pagename=community_partners From the Planned Parenthood of Nassau County web site: Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Inc. $64,500 Sisters United in Health Sisters United in Health serves as a bridge to wellness for the woman who is without the financial, social, medical, or other support services that can mean life or death when it comes to breast cancer. Sisters’ essential, life-saving activities will help more than 5,000 medically-underserved women of color overcome barriers to care by linking them to the vital breast health education and screening services they both need and deserve. 200 will receive a referral for a mammogram and/or clinical breast exam at a local CSP. www.plannedparenthood.org/nassau-county (516) 877-4331 Angelica Medina, Bilingual Outreach Coordinator [email protected] Komen Austin www.komenaustin.org Race for the Cure is November 15, 2015 in Austin Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded. $214,000 Grant to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas (Austin clinics) http://www.komenaustin.org/grants/applying-for-community-grants/ Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson Counties 800-230-7526 Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas provides high quality health care to uninsured and underinsured individuals. While Planned Parenthood ensures that preventative breast health care is a priority for women at any age in our community, they are unique to our group of grantees as they serve a significant population of women under 40. While fewer than five percent of breast cancers diagnosed in the U.S. occur in women under 40, the prognosis tends to be worse. Early detection is the key to survival to catch these fast-growing types of breast cancer in young women. Planned Parenthood, through Komen Austin funding, makes clinical breast exams, follow-up exams and referrals for free mammography and diagnostic services available. Komen Central Texas (Waco) www.komencentraltexas.org Race for the Cure is September 19, 2015. Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded. $95,813 Grant to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas (Waco clinic) $67,162 Grantee list has be scrubbed from the website. Information obtained before the scrubbing. Grant of approximately this size have been flowing to Planned Parenthood in Waco for over a decade. Note: approximately 70% for funds raise in the last Race for the Cure in Waco went to Planned Parenthood in Waco. Komen North Texas (Plano) www.komennorthtexas.org Race for the Cure events: Denton, September 26, 2015 Wichita Falls, October 10, 2015 Plano, June 11, 2016 Year of most recent grant. 2015-2016 Total (local) grants awarded Grant to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas (Dallas clinics) http://komennorthtexas.org/grants/current-grant-recipients-2/ Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas The goal of Planned Parenthood’s breast health program is to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages by providing under and uninsured women with breast self-awareness education and care. Planned Parenthood clinicians provide clinical breast exams and facilitate screening mammograms and diagnostic procedures through a referral program. Counties served: Collin, Denton 1.800.230.7526 www.ppgreatertexas.org Komen Connecticut www.komenct.org Race for the Cure was June 6, 2015 in Hartford. Year of most recent grant. n.a. Total (local) grants awarded. n.a. Grant recipient: Donor list is almost fully scrubbed. http://ww5.komen.org/GetInvolved/ConnecticutAffiliate.html Komen CT awarded 32 grants in the latest grant cycle. One unique program involves teaching breast health to women with intellectual disabilities. Most Connecticut hospitals receive funding from the Affiliate, along with community organizations like the YWCA, Health Districts, and Planned Parenthood outreach and education programs. Additionally, each year the Affiliate holds a Grantee Seminar to discuss current breast cancer issues. The seminar provides a unique opportunity for breast cancer service providers to network and share best practices. See more: http://ww5.komen.org/GetInvolved/ConnecticutAffiliate.html#sthash.a95qPTS4.dpuf Komen Vermont New Hampshire www.komenvtnh.org Race for the Cure events: New Hampshire, May 9, 2015 in Portsmouth Vermont, July 18, 2015 in Manchester Center Year of most recent grant. 2015 Total (local) grants awarded. n.a. Grant to Planned Parenthood Northern New England http://www.komenvtnh.org/grants/current-grant-recipients/ Breast Health Care for Uninsured and Low Income Women Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Komen Eastern Washington www.komeneasternwashington.org Race for the Cure event. April 25, 2015 in Spokane. Year of most recent grant. 2015 Total (local) grants awarded. $262,310 Grant to Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and Northern Idaho http://komeneasternwashington.org/grants/applying-for-community-grants/3913-2/ http://komeneasternwashington.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2015-Grant-Slate.pdf These two links are still live. However, from komenteasternwashington.org there are no links to these pages. Carole Novielle has provided these URLs. |